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Watering Ourselves

Watering Ourselves

  • The gardens are all tucked in for the upcoming winter. It makes me a little sad when I walk through the back gate and see my empty garden beds. The leaves are mostly raked up and there’s not much for me to do outside now. I’ve been spending my free time caring for the inside of our home. I’ve been freshening up paint, mopping floors, and trying to bring organization to areas that have been neglected. Spending so much time inside can be really rough on the body. The air is so dry from heaters and germs seem to flourish. It’s gotten me thinking about hydration. If you think about plants and how much they perk up when watered, it seems so obvious that we would do the same. Yet, I am realizing that I don’t drink nearly enough water. I decided to start tracking my water consumption a couple of weeks ago. The first day I really had to focus on achieving the recommended eight glasses. Since then, I’ve noticed that I probably average four-to-six during the day and have to chug a few at night to catch up. The conclusion is that if I were a plant, I’d be chronically wilted. So I’m going to treat myself as such and take the next few months to care for my body as if it were a thirsty garden bed. We all take our health for granted until it’s too late. I love the fall and winter months that provide me the perfect excuse to sit on the couch with a cup of something warm or a glass of red wine. I love the hearty meals and flannel pajamas. However, I do not love my dry skin and flat hair. I do not like the five pounds that I’ll likely gain. So, I’ve made a deal with myself that I have to drink two full glasses of water in the morning before I get a cup of coffee. I don’t get my glass of red wine at night until I’ve hit the eight glasses of water. Last night I didn’t get wine because at 6pm I still had a three glass deficit to make up. The next step is committing to indoor exercise now that I’m not burning the calories out in the yard. But, that is a post for another day. So how about it- want to join me in a season of caring for ourselves like we would our favorite plants? Pour yourself a glass of water and think about it. Now, if you’ll excuse me- I have to pee!


    November 23rd, 2011 | girl has thyme | 5 Comments |

5 Responses and Counting...

  • Missy 11.23.2011

    I love this post! You need to keep up these reminders; I need them and I’m always thirsty after reading them. I’m in for the challenge!


  • not sure you can leave water around with the kiddos, but if you can, might try putting water in bowls or pans near radiators to get some water into the air, keep bowls of water on tables–with a flower floating or a candle, leave lid off a pan an boil water. your plan is good, though, for personally keeping hydrated.


  • Awesome post. What a great perspective. Thank you for the inspiration to drink more water!


  • Love this post! I’m going to join you! It’s about time I take my water consumption more seriously.


  • I’m chugging water as I read! I’m usually a good water drinker but days do go by and I realize I haven’t had any … Love your plan and goal of not having wine etc. until you reach your mark! Great post!


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