Hey Lady, How ya operating that there lawn mower?
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It never ceases to amaze me how shocking it is to people that women can mow the lawn. Today I was mowing our front lawn and a guy walked by and said, “That’s something you don’t see everyday.” What’s up with that? Of course women are capable of mowing the lawn! Admittedly, it’s been a while since I have been the regular mower in our family. Our front lawn in Albany was extremely steep and I couldn’t mow the lawn because I probably would have ended up flat on my face in the street below. Here in Tacoma, we have been using our landlord’s lawn mower and it is really hard for me to start so Adam has been mowing the lawn. Today I decided to abandon that mower and pull out our lawn mower and do it myself. It started right up and I was so happy! Asking Adam to mow the lawn or work in the yard is like asking him to spend the day at the dentist. It’s a necessary evil for him. I hate nagging and particularly hate nagging about something that I know I am perfectly capable of doing myself. For me, mowing the lawn is an opportunity for exercise, fresh air, and you get the benefit of a nice looking landscape. I’ve been using a pedometer for the past couple of months and really aim to hit that magical 10,000 step mark. It is so difficult to accomplish in everyday life! I find myself looking for ways to get these steps in by parking far away, vacuuming my house, making trips up and down the stairs to put away toys and laundry. Being outside is even better! I spent an hour outside mowing and weeding and had 5200 steps by 10am. It’s the gardener’s “crossfit.” So ladies, pull out the mower and give it a go!
6 Responses and Counting...
I remember begging my dad to let me mow the lawn when I was a little girl. It was total girl power, “I can do whatever my brothers can do!” After doing it a few times, the allure faded and I let my brothers continue that task. Today, Kelly is so lawn-obsessed, I really think he would mow twice a week if the darn lawn would grow fast enough. It’s insane…but my grass is pretty I have to admit!
girl has thyme Reply:
May 23rd, 2013 at 6:08 pm
I hear ya, Missy! My step-dad absolutely loves mowing the lawn. Though, I sort of suspect that it’s an excuse to drink beer on a warm day!
Loved using an old push mower when i was a girl. Dad kept it sharp and i loved how the cut grass flew around and the sound of it. Not too big of a front yard and don’t remember doing the back. Power mowers scare the heck out of me…am sure i’ll mow over my feet!! As always, i love your post
girl has thyme Reply:
May 23rd, 2013 at 6:08 pm
Funny, Eileen! I am not afraid of a power mower but I do want a gas weedwacker/trimmer and am a little intimidated!
Mowing the lawn is one of my favorite “chores” – I’d do it any day over inside house work! Will you have a lawn at your new house? I bet it won’t be long before Gav wants to learn how to mow.
girl has thyme Reply:
May 23rd, 2013 at 6:10 pm
We do have lawn at our new house. The front lawn and parking strips are quite a lot of grass! It is a great chore especially when you can knock out the exercise aspect. I’m glad that there will be no hills that require me to wait for Adam’s help!