The tomato that keeps on giving…
Last summer, one of my good friends told me that her cherry tomatoes came back from the previous summer. I completely dismissed this as her being ridiculous. She works a lot of hours, and I figured she just forgot about planting tomatoes along with her peppers. Anyhow, I decided to grow my own cherry and grape tomatoes up a trellis in a new square foot garden that I was trying out. It was a particularly hot summer, and my tomato plants loved it! Not only did they climb the entire 5ft trellis, but they grew down the other side of my fence. I had more little tomatoes than I knew what to do with. Many of them just dropped from vines and rotted into the soil.
Well, fast forward to this spring, when it was time to pull weeds and prep the garden beds for planting. I noticed a bunch of little weeds in my square foot garden. I was quite irritated because the whole point of these raised beds is to avoid the weeds you get with a regular garden patch. When I went to pull the weeds, I noticed that they were not weeds at all, but little, tiny tomato seedlings! I had hundreds of them! I immediately pulled out my phone and sent my friend an apologetic text message! I couldn’t believe it! Cherry tomatoes self-seed! How cool is that?!? I thinned out the plants to about 20 of the strongest seedlings to watch over the following month. Since then, I have continued to thin these plants out and now I have just one plant in each square. I hope to have another successful tomato trellis this season!
Here are some photos of this great tomato adventure!